Technical Meeting

Technical Meeting will be held on Sunday 15th July 2018 (Updated: Tuesday 5th June 2018)
We will be hosting a technical meeting for all clubs on Sunday 15th July.
Venue and timing will be confirmed shortly and this will be joint EDF and BDF meeting – which all clubs secretaries are invited to come along.
Technical Meeting was held at Stanford AFC on Saturday 21st April 2018 – 5pm. (Updated: Tuesday 24th April 2018)
EDF wants to thank you to the clubs, those who attended* our Technical meeting on Saturday at Stamford AFC, as outlined in the summary – we will be arranging for another Technical Meeting towards end of June before the deadline for application to new season 2018/2019.
  • Doncaster DFC
  • Charlton Athletic DFC
  • Birmingham DFC
  • Fulham DFC
  • Peterborough DFC
  • Brighton & Hove DFC

EDF will be releasing applications over the next 2 weeks and will circulate these across our website and through club secretaries.


New date for our Technical Meeting – Saturday 21st April 2018 at 5pm  (Updated: 1st April 2018)
Following our cancellation of Technical Meeting which was scheduled to take place on Saturday 10th March 2018 at University of Warwick – we can confirm that our revised technical meeting date has been announced for Saturday 21st April 2018 at Stamford AFC.
  • Technical meeting
    – the meeting will start 5pm at Stamford AFC, Zeeco Stadium, Rydall Road, Stamford, PE9 1US.
    – we will advise you of the room within the stadium prior to the meeting.
  •  Remind Clubs
    –  to remind clubs of the following outlines as raised in our previous email:
    –  attendances is restricted to 2 committee members per club, one of which must be Club Secretary.
    –  the 2 names of your committees must be given to us, EDF no later than 72 hours prior to meeting.
    –  only these people names our forward will be able to participate in technical meeting – no other members will be allowed in the technical meeting room. (We expect you to inform your players/members of this in advance as they will not be allowed in the room.)
    –  for those clubs unable to attend the meeting, but wish to provide pointers, please provide these in writing or video to EDF Secretary by no later than 5pm Saturday 14th April 2018 if you wish to have these pointers raised in the technical meeting with clubs in attendance.
Saturday 10th March 2018
(Updated: 9th March 2018)
Due to university of Warwick unplayable pitches – our semi-final matches are now taking place at:
  • Judge Meadows College, Marydene Drive, Leicester, LE5 6HP.
  • as result – our Technical Meeting has been cancelled.
 We apologise for this cancellation and we will look to re-schedule for new date shortly in around the mid of April 2018.
Saturday 10th March 2018 (Updated: 16th February 2018)

EDF Technical meeting will be held on Saturday 10th March 2018 at University of Warwick.

  • the meeting will start at 5pm and last for an hour.
  • attendances is restricted to 2 committee members per club, one of which must be Club Secretary.
  • the 2 names of your committees must be given to us, EDF no later than 72 hours prior to meeting.
  • only these people names our forward will be able to participate in technical meeting – no other members will be allowed in the technical meeting room. (We expect you to inform your players/members of this in advance as they will not be allowed in the room.)
  • the Technical meeting will be held at social space area above the clubhouse (upstairs area) at University of Warwick.
  • for those unable to attend – we will accept feedback/pointers which you wish us to take in consideration during the meeting or afterwards.
  • for those who are attending and want to include topic/subjects for discussion – please inform us in advance.